Prana Summer Acting 2014 Registration Form |
Please print out/mail to Prana, 21 Charles St., Holliston, MA 01746 w/payment. Student’s name ____________________________________________________Student’s age _____ Grade (entering) ______ Gender ____T-shirt size: [ ] Child Large [ ] Adult Small [ ] Adult Medium [ ] Adult LargeSecond Student’s name_____________________________________________Second Student’s age _____ Grade (entering) ______ Gender ___T-shirt size: [ ] Child Large [ ] Adult Small
[ ] Adult Medium [ ]
Adult Large
[ ] Session A (July 14-25) $675 | $ |
[ ] Session B (Aug. 4-15) $675 | |
[ ] BOTH sessions (all 4 weeks) $1145 | |
[ ] Add-on session (July 28-Aug. 1) $350 alone (or JUST 250 if you are signing up for one or both sessions) | + |
Early drop-off (either babysitting or Yoga) $50/week | |
Deduct $25 for a second camper (sibling) | |
Total due | $ |
Total enclosed. For a payment plan, email | $ |
Refund policy: Your tuition is nonrefundable UNLESS we are able to fill your child's spot, in which case we will refund your tuition less a $25 handling fee.
It is my responsibility to cover any fees resulting from a check which has been returned by the bank.
Please make checks payable to Prana Center. Mail to Prana Center, 21F Charles St., Holliston, MA 01746. Questions?