The Diary of Anne Frank |
Classes Prana Productions |
Dates: Fri., Jan. 19 and Sat., Jan. 20 at 7:30 p.m., and Sunday, Jan. 21 at 4 p.m. at The Prana Center, 21G Charles St., Holliston
Above, the cast lighting Hanukkah candles,
Directed by Roberta Weiner & Nick Morana
The cast of Diary of Anne Frank, Jan. 15, 2007
Young Anne (act 1): Jinny Pollinger
Older Anne (act 2): Rachel Pollinger Peter: Andrew Doane Mr. Frank: Nick
Mrs. Frank: Hannah Fried-Tanzer
Mr. Van Daan: Connor Whiteley
Mrs. Van Daan: Dayna Altman
Mr. Dussel: Joseph Duda
Margot: Colleen Fitzpatrick
Miep: Molly Wyatt
Mr. Kraler: Adam Greenberg Creative and Technical Team: Directors: Roberta Weiner and Nick Morana The directors would like to thank everyone who helped us with this
labor of love in the true spirit of volunteerism! You must be the change you wish to see in the
world. This was an all-volunteer project. The
directors and crew donated their time and the Prana Center and Holliston
Senior Center donated use of their facilities. 100% of ticket
sales for all shows were donated to Sudan Relief. Cast
bios (in alphabetical order) Dayna
Altman (Mrs. Van Daan) is thrilled to be back on the stage with Prana
Boudreau (Anne Diary Reader) is making her debut with Prana Productions.
Last year, she appeared in the Holliston Middle School's Cinderella.
She is very excited to be part of the cast of Anne Frank.
Doane (Peter) most recently appeared in Prana camp as the Scarecrow in
The Wonderful, Wicked,
Groovy Land of Oz.
He has also appeared in Prana's Comedy Tonight (Zazu, Charlie Brown, and
ensemble). He wishes to thank his hockey coach for letting him miss
practices and a game to take part in this production. Andrew is
grateful for having the opportunity to raise awareness and funds to help
with Sudan Relief efforts. Joseph Duda (Mr.
Dussel), recently seen in Pirates of Penzance as Sergeant
Cornwall, has happily appeared in many other Prana Productions including
Stuart Little (schoolboy), Charlotte’s Web (photographer,
fairgoer, spectator) Comedy Tonight (soloist), and A Christmas
Carol (Bob Cratchit). Joseph has also been seen in the last few
Prana Summer Camp programs as well as in other Prana drama classes.
Other theater credits include working with Southborough Players in
Beauty and the Beast, Washington Street Players in Anne of Green
Gables, and in various Holliston Middle School productions:
Cinderella (the Prince), and Annie (Bert Healy). Joseph
would like to thank his family for their continued support and
encouragement, and offer gratitude to the cast for diligently working to
make The Diary of Anne Frank successfully contribute to the
awareness of and support for relief efforts in the Sudan. Colleen
Fitzpatrick (Margot) was most recently Mabel in Pirates of Penzance.
She has also appeared as Mrs. Tupper in A Christmas Carol. Other roles
she has played is the donkey in the Christmas pageant whose only line
was clip clop, the best neighbor ever in the Christmas pageant whose
only line was “This isn’t fair we don’t want to go”, Harry in Harry
Potter and the goblet of fire in 2005, and the Cabby / Voice of the
Wizard in the wacky weird and other things wizard of OZ at the Prana
camp 2006. Colleen is also an Irish dancer and performs regularly at
competitions and who has just gotten 38th at the New England
regional ).Colleen is very much enjoying being Margot in The Diary of
Anne Frank. She loves being in these plays and wishes to thank you
very much xox.
Hannah Fried-Tanzer (Mrs. Frank) recently appeared in Prana's The
Pirates of Penzance as Officer Callington. She was also in Prana's
Charlotte's Web as Fern in 2004. She has attended Prana's acting
camp for the past four years, most recently playing the Scarecrow in
The Wizard of Oz. She's so excited to be in Diary of Anne Frank and
wants to thank all of her friends and family for everything they've
Greenberg (Mr. Kraler) is appearing for the first time in a Prana
Production. He has also appeared as Fritz in The Franklin School of the
Performing Arts production of The Nutcracker. He is very happy to
have this opportunity to be in cast of Anne Frank. Jinny Pollinger
(Young Anne, act 1) recently appeared as the “flirty” Rose in Prana
Productions’ Pirates of Penzance. Her other past roles with Prana
include Mary (a schoolchild) in Stuart Little, a narrator in
Charlotte’s Web, and Patience, the maid, in A Christmas Carol.
She was also a member of Prana’s Comedy Tonight. Among her roles
in Prana camp shows are Diana (Anne of Green Gables), Nancy (Oliver!),
Kate (Pirates of
Penzance), the evil split side
of Tinkerbell (Alice in
Wendyland—a mixed-up version
of Alice in Wonderland and Peter Pan), and the Wicked
Witch of the West (Oz). She also has been in many non–Prana
shows, such as Carlisle in the Southborough Players’ Beauty & the
Beast, even though she thinks Prana Productions is definitely the
best! She loves acting and hopes to be a professional in years to come! Nick Varrell (Mr.
Frank) is appearing in his second Prana Production. He appeared as the
pirate Abraham in the 2006 Prana production of Pirates of Penzance.
Nick's introduction to performing came through his experiences in
Destination Imagination creative theatrical competitions He is excited
to be participating with friends in this production of Anne Frank. Connor Whiteley (Mr.
Van Daan) was most recently seen as Frederic in Pirates of Penzance
and enjoyed it very much. He has also performed in Ashland elementary
school plays, including Peter Pan (Mr. Darling) and Snow White
(huntsman). Connor was a guard in the Pac Family Players production
of Aladdin in Framingham. He loves acting and does it whenever
he can. While off-stage, he enjoys playing baseball, soccer, football,
golf, skate-boarding and bike riding. He also enjoys playing the drums.
Connor thinks Prana productions is a great place for acting, having fun,
and making new friends. |