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Front window Prana center, Charles Street, Holliston MAUpcoming Productions & Classes
at the Prana Center in Holliston

"I have always been impressed by the quality of the productions you put on.  Working with children as young as five or six, all the way through college, you manage to challenge them all. And they learn how much fun putting on plays can be! We need to keep the arts alive for the next generation, and I can't think of anyone who is doing a better job of it than you!" Ceci LeBeau, piano teacher, mother of a working actor, and patron of the arts, Holliston

What's coming up at the Prana Center?

Winnie the Pooh - a delightful show for the whole family!  Saturday, Feb. 7 at 1 and 3 pm

Heidi, based on the classic children's book, in four performances:
March 5 at 6 pm, March 6 at 7 pm and Saturday, March 7 at 4 and 7 pm

Summer Camp enrollment has just opened.  Sign up now for early-bird discount!

Spring MUSICAL info coming very soon!  Join our mailing list for the latest! 



Click here for the Prana Archives of past shows!

Prana Center Holliston MA drama Sakado Thousand Cranes

From A Thousand Cranes, February 2012, The Prana Center