Monday, July 16
day of camp! Our fifth year! We spent the morning getting to know everyone with lots
of acting games, Camp Bingo and fun! Drew, Phil and Dan led a crazy
sing-along at lunch! In the afternoon we dressed up in costumes and did
skits, then made machines using movement and sound. Roberta ended the day with guided relaxation
for everyone!
We had a
wonderful group for
morning yoga - ranging from age 6 to age 60+! Lots of fun and a great way to start the day!
Tuesday, July 17
Joanne Hines joined us
today as we began our Musical Theatre component of camp! All campers
learned singing warm-ups and new songs. Tie-dying all morning - the
shirts look great! Orange, Blue and Yellow cast their plays and
everyone got a great part! Then they got wet with water games (see
photo)! Meditation workshop this morning with Roberta for Red,
Purple and Yellow, where we practiced meditation with a mantra and on the
breath. Green had a special Yoga class with Guest Yoga Teacher Kim
Wednesday, July 18
Auditions for solos
today - everyone who tried out got a terrific part (either a solo or
duet). Moved face painting inside when it started to pour.
Check out some of the cute faces! Playwriting groups are nearly
finished with the writing and are starting to costume and cast! Blue
and Orange acted for each other and are coming along great - plus great
yoga with Kim! Yellow
did their first read-throughs and the energy was already sparkling!
Yoga "sleep" experience with Roberta to end the day.
Thursday, July 19
We started off the day
with a fun "Snowball" dance. The campers can really move!
Everyone sounded great at the full camp Music Rehearsal with Joanne and
Roberta. Arts and crafts for the younger campers included
mask-making, bracelets and more! Kim did a fun yoga class for Blue
and Yellow. Some campers chose relaxation to end the day and we
created "sanctuaries," while others played acting games. Lunchtime "Dreamgirls"
dance with Julia is a big hit! Orange had fun acting in their
costumes! (see photo)
Friday, July 20
week ended with lots of great rehearsing, including some of our featured
soloists (left). Music most of the morning. Orange made
picture frames and had a special movement class with Kim. More water
games and dripping wet counselors! Sara worked with Blue on
articulation and stage presence. Yellow added props and costumes to their
play. Purple cut their very creative play down to size. Green
and Red staged their plays and acted for an audience. Our end-of-day
relaxation group went on an ice-skating trip in their imaginations!
Monday, July 23
blue and yellow did special Harry Potter activities! (see photos right and
below) A full morning of Music with Joanne. Red did Hip-Hop
Dance with Kim! Purple is fully blocked and all campers are learning
lines by tomorrow. Lots of great rehearsing for our playwriting
groups (Green, Red and Purple). Our end-of-day relaxation "club" is
Tuesday, July 24
The full camp divided into
groups this morning and made up their own dances to five songs from the
musical "Hairspray," and performed this afternoon. Terrific!
We also got a sneak preview of Julia's "Dreamgirls" dance (see photo)
which will lead off the show Friday. More music and rehearsing!
Tomorrow: Full run-through!
Wednesday, July 25
We ran the entire show in
costume today - everyone is doing a great job! Here is a photo of
some of the Green Group actors (More from Green and Yellow below).
Tomorrow at the Middle School!
Thursday, July 26
Our first day in the Middle
School! Two long run-throughs and everyone did a great job.
Some of the new actors got their first experience of being in a big show,
with the waiting to come on and getting changed at the right time and
performing in the lights! Showtime tomorrow 1:30 p.m.
Friday, July 27
Showtime! Everyone
did a fantastic job! From the rabbits to the cavemen ... the
beautiful Body Electric singers and dancers ... "good times" secret
service agents ... Dreamgirls dancers ... Charlie actors getting thin and
tall ... Ramona on crutches ... rap contest ... magical crops ... all the
brave soloists ... all the actors ... it surpassed expectations!
Thanks again to our wonderful accompanist Joanne Hines, all the staff and
all the parents! See you next year!
Scroll down for a full camp photo!
Camp yoga at the
Prana Center, left
Camp Director: Roberta Weiner
Accompanist: Joanne Hines
Administrator: Dayna Doane
Senior Counselors: Sarah
Bassett, Alisha Morana, Drew Madden, Julia Auster, Phil Bassett, Dan
Doane, Laura Baker
Junior Counselors/CITs:
Carol Emerson, Joseph Duda, Sara Lucchini, Taylor Marsh, Abbey Marsh,
Jessica Mullen, Nicole Smalley

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