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Camp Digest Monday, July 18
First day of camp! It was great seeing old faces
and meeting lots of new campers! 8 a.m. yoga was fantastic, with
lots of parents staying to stretch and relax, too! We spent the first morning "getting to know
you" across all six camp groups, with acting games and more. Lunchtime outside in the beautiful backyard of the church!
Roberta taught Le Jazz Hot dance to the green group. Purple group
did a fun arts & crafts activity. In the afternoon we checked
out Prana's new selection of costumes, and put on skits. Roberta
ended the day with the hokey pokey plus imagination exercises (see us
relaxing on our backs in the picture)!
Camp Digest Tues., July 19
our junior counselors and CITs joined us for yoga -- what a great
multi-generational room, ages 5 to 60+! Wonderful! Julia led warmups
and Roberta taught So Long Farewell to the full camp. You sounded
great! Laura led How to Shine at Auditions! for the red, purple,
green and yellow groups. Orange and blue got soaking wet with water
games! All the groups have tie-dyed their t-shirts. We introduced
and cast our plays (Anne of Green Gables for red, Stuart Little for
yellow, Sound of Music for green and purple, Are You My Mother for orange,
Cat in the Hat for blue!). We know everyone is going to be great!
Camp Digest Wed., July 20
of rehearsing today! Plus we mixed up the counselors a bit! Roberta
did nature meditation with the red group, Laura did a special arts and
crafts project with the green group, Erik and Dan did hula hoop games with
yellow and purple groups. Orange and blue loved face painting. Also,
Roberta taught a special yoga class for orange and blue.
Camp Digest Thurs., July 21
green and purple got a terrific physical warmup this morning -- first,
learning whirling with Roberta (a way to spin without getting dizzy!),
then a fun dance routine with Chelsey and Taylor. At the same time,
Dan, Phil and Erik led lots of active games outdoors for orange, blue and
yellow. Lots of costumes and rehearsing for each other filled out
the morning, and the afternoon was packed with water balloon fun for all!
We're looking forward to tomorrow's performance!
Camp Digest Fri., July 22
Showtime! Great job everyone! From the "Jazz Hot"
dancers to the baby birds (Are You My Mother) to first-time-ever soloists
in So Long Farewell to all the shows - Cat in the Hat, Stuart Little,
Sound of Music, an amazing job after just one short week! We said
good-bye to our one-week campers and look forward to seeing everyone else,
plus new campers, on Monday! See the fuzzy dancers in action, right!
Camp Digest Mon.., July 25
We welcomed our new campers with
pocketbook dramatics and getting to know you games! Green group introduced
A Christmas Carol (we're doing two scenes from our upcoming fall show) and
purple group introduced monologues. Laura taught a workshop on Open Air
Acting (outdoors) to Red, Purple and Green. Roberta led a guided
relaxation called "Sanctuary" to the full camp.
Digest Tues., July 26
Percussion day! Orange, blue and yellow made
rhythm instruments and purple, green and red danced to drumming music.
Then we all got together for some dancing and shaking to The Lion King!
Yellow group introduced Charlotte's Web; blue and orange decided they
didn't want to do Arthur, so they're doing SpongeBob instead. Some
of our older campers wrote the play for them (picture, left!) Julia
is teaching a hip-hop dance this week to any campers who are interested!
Lots are! Much rehearsing for Anne of Green Gables & A Christmas
Carol - everyone is doing great!
Camp Digest Wed., July 27
full camp did dress up and skits this morning. Lots of fun when the
counselors did their own show for the campers! Red and Green showed
each other their plays before lunch, and we heard a few monologues from
Purple! Roberta did a meditation workshop for Green, Purple & Red in
the afternoon, and all campers enjoyed water games outside on this steamy
hot day!
Camp Digest
Thursday, July 28
We started the day with special activities with Rachel Ruel, Prana Center
kids' yoga & yoga/cardio teacher! Orange, blue, yellow and purple
played active games, while red and green learned kickboxing moves to
music. Lots of sweat and fun! Dress rehearsals in the
Camp Digest Friday, July 29
Showtime! Julia's hip hop dance led off a hour-long show that
included Spongebob (Orange & Blue groups), Charlotte's Web (Yellow), A
Christmas Carol (Green), Anne of Green Gables (Red), plus monologues
(Purple plus one Blue and one Green camper!) and a final So Long Farewell!
Everyone did a fantastic job! We'll miss you! We'll see some
of you in August, and hope to see some others at auditions, performance
workshop or performances of A Christmas Carol! We also may perform
at Celebrate Holliston and will let you know as soon as we hear!
Here's our group shot from the last day of camp!

July staff:
Senior Counselors: Roberta Weiner,
Laura Steele, Sarah Bassett, Alisha Morana, Julia Auster, Sam Glynn
Junior Counselors/CITs:
Dan Doane, Phil Bassett, Taylor Marsh, Chelsey Lyman, Carol Emerson
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